The Transition…

The bird dogs are officially in the “0ff-season” mode and the ice fishing equipment has been shelved.
The boat has been “summerized” and we are ready to go. Torch Lake and East Bay are open–they will be our first destinations.

Thanks to those who have booked their trips for 2016. Although we still have several open dates, it is amazing how quickly the calendar begins to fill. So far we have walleye, perch, whitefish, cisco, Atlantics, lakers and SMALLMOUTH on the docket!

It was a very good off-season as the birdhunting was extremely good (especially the Michigan woodcock and grouse and the Kansas quail). But now it is time to get back to business. Last year we caught more smallies over six than in any of the past five years.

Perhaps we will top that this year!march 7 b 072

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