Coach’s Charters

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Reviewing these pics warmed my heart and soul as the depressing snow that started on Thanksgiving has not gone away. Most of it lake effect which means I have Lake Michigan all the way to my doorstep!

I didn't have to look hard to find these pics from this past summer.

Thanks for all the early bookings and I look forward to more of this!
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Reviewing these pics warmed my heart and soul as the depressing snow that started on Thanksgiving has not gone away. Most of it lake effect which means I have Lake Michigan all the way to my doorstep!

I didnt have to look hard to find these pics from this past summer.

Thanks for all the early bookings and I look forward to more of this!Image attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

Wishing you a prosperous 2025 with lots of on-the-water time.
Today's pic is from a foggy Torch Lake.
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Wishing you a prosperous 2025 with lots of on-the-water time.
Todays pic is from a foggy Torch Lake.

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Happy new year 🎉🎣

Merry Christmas to all my fishing friends!
Enjoy the view from Elk Rapids. Be safe.
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Merry Christmas to all my fishing friends!
Enjoy the view from Elk Rapids. Be safe.Image attachmentImage attachment

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Did you know that's a weather station on the dock?

Merry Christmas!!

40" of snow in a week!?! Wow!
Today would be a perfect day to get on the perch we had located.
However, won't be able to get my boat out for several days.
I did work on the ramp today and it's ready to use. These warmer temps will help.

Thanks to those who have purchased charters for gifts!

Be safe...
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40 of snow in a week!?! Wow!
Today would be a perfect day to get on the perch we had located.
However, wont be able to get my boat out for several days.
I did work on the ramp today and its ready to use. These warmer temps will help.

Thanks to those who have purchased charters for gifts!

Be safe...Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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If the weather holds true I will be there tomorrow

Happy Thanksgiving to friends and strangers alike!
Be thankful for all the little things--take nothing for granted.

I am very thankful for alot--too much to list.

But possibly spending my last Thanksgiving with the boys Yank and Duke. I will take them for as many walks as they want today.

God Bless
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Happy Thanksgiving to friends and strangers alike!
Be thankful for all the little things--take nothing for granted.

I am very thankful for alot--too much to list.

But possibly spending my last Thanksgiving with the boys Yank and Duke.  I will take them for as many walks as they want today.

God Bless
CoachImage attachment

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Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you had a wonderful day and best for the holiday season.

Happy Thanksgiving Coach!!!

Happy Thanksgiving, Coach!

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Thank you VETERANS!
All year long we appreciate you and your service.
Often, it takes this special day for us to express our appreciation.
Here's hoping and praying for you to have the best possible day and best possible future.
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2018–Here We Go!

It will be a lofty goal to catch more and bigger smallmouth that we did in ’17 but that is what we’re looking to do.  From a 27.99 lb five fish catch in early May to more 6 lb brutes than any other midsummer has produced.  The quality of the fish in our area has really improved the past five years.

Again thanks to all our sponsors for having confidence in our enterprise and thanks to our ever-growing list of clients.  The April-May jerkbait schedule is starting to take shape.  Whether you want to learn or simply enjoy a day of jerkbaiting, give us a call.  An awfully good time to get your six pound trophy.

Our 2013 BassCat Puma FTD is for sale and we will be replacing it with a 2018 or 2019 BassCat Puma FTD.  Here are some ’17 memories.

A 2017 Double
Quality on a Quiet Cove Jerkbait.
April Jerkbaits
A warm weather trophy
A Really Nice Smallie!

Many Smallmouth Caught by All Ages

Four outings this week and all were fun and full of fish.  Only a couple over 5 lbs this week but many over 3 lbs.  It was great when the adults caught smallies but it was even greater when the youngsters caught over 40 in a half-day.  Our new friends seem to really enjoy these Michigan smallmouth.  Good news for next week’s groups is that some new areas are starting to hold more and more fish .

Average Size of July Smallies is Up!

Really up!  We’ve had more 5 lb (plus) smallmouth in the first half of this July than any July in the past seven years.  And four have surpassed the 6 lb mark.

The trade-off is that the numbers are somewhat less than the past but like usual that will change as we get to the end of this month and then into August.  Our charters in July have caught from 25 to 48 total fish per outing. 

Fishermen who have not experienced our July through September finesse fishing will probably doubt our claims that there are no “dog days of summer” when you have the big water close by.

And one might be surprised how shallow these big fish are and the baits we are using. 

We do have a few openings.

Back on schedule–Big water is producing!

As mediocre as June was, July has turned it around.  The past week has been as good as advertised.   And it will get better throughout this month into the next.  These folks have been part of the July success.  We still have room for a couple full day charters or several spots for half-days.

And the Bonus was…

While in the middle of our afternoon fishing, we had the privilege of watching the Thunderbirds practice for their Independence Day Show.  How impressive they are!  Maybe they were watching our group catch these big smallies.

Big Day on Our Favorite Water

June 30 brought an end to an inconsistent month.  Our “weather-unfriendly” June ended with a bang as our group had what we look for–Quality and Quantity.  Several fish over 4 lbs with two landed that were well over 5–one just a smidgen shy of 6!  40 or so caught with most being solid keepers.

The fish were grouped in one particular area.  In other areas we had just caught a fish here and there.  This is the start of our hot weather bite and we enjoy the fact that other fishermen had abandoned this body of water probably because the spawn had ended.  If weather allows, the next six weeks will be fun.

Unstable weather has delayed the summer bite…

The patterns for our summer bite have not yet developed.  Weekly storms and daily rains have caused the fish to be scattered and hesitant.  This translates into many rods on the boat’s deck.   We are catching fish now but those who have put off their visit until the weather stabilizes will hit it “big”.  Most years July 15 to August 15 is a very good time.  This year it will be a great time.

Transition time…

From now until September we will spend most of our time on Lake Michigan.  It was a great April and May (most of the time on one of five inland lakes) but with the unstable weather, several charters were cancelled or postponed. 

We are off to a good start with all four of last week’s charters successful– mostly smallmouth but some half-days spent chasing fish for the smoker (lakers, whitefish and cisco).  Even found some 13″ jumbo perch for dinner.

Jerkbaits from Quiet Cove Baits and our homemade jigs have been very productive on the smallies.  A 5.89 lb smallmouth yesterday and over 30 before 8 am today is a sample.  Enough talk, the pics sum up the past couple weeks.

Call with your questions (260-519-1168).

What a Week!

This week was as we thought it would be–no, it was better.  Much better!  A five-fish weight of 27.99 lbs was a noteworthy event.  6.60; 5.02; 5.38; 6.21; and 4.78 were the individual weights.  This catch was early in the week just prior to the full moon.  Most of these came on a Quiet Cove Jerkbait (see photo).  Call Matt at 616-644-5123 for information about these baits.   Other successful baits used this week were blade baits (see photos).  Jack’s Sport Shop in Kalkaska has the best selection of blades.  Blades this week caught smallmouth, walleye, pike, whitefish, cisco, and lake trout.  With the weather warming up rapidly, there is good reason to get up here for some fun.  We have a few open days in May–call us at 260-519-1168.